(English version below)
Tot 30 juni is België voorzitter van de Raad van de Europese Unie. In het kader van dit voorzitterschap organiseert LRM een conferentie waarbij ze haar ervaring deelt om van een voormalise (mijn)site een nieuwe bloeiende plek te maken.
We nodigen U uit om kennis te maken met LRM, de Limburgse Reconversie Maatschappij op vrijdag 19 april om 09u30 in Terhills, Zetellaan 68 te Maasmechelen.
Tijdens deze conferentie worden drie concrete cases besproken van een succesvolle reconversie: Corda Campus, be-MINE en Terhills.
09u30: Ontvangst
10u00: LRM, Tom Vanham, CEO
10u45: 3 cases: Corda – be-MINE en Terhills
11u30: Einsteintelescoop
12u00: Lunch
13u00: Bezoek Terhills
14u00: Einde
Deelname is gratis – bij inschrijving verwachten we wel je aanwezigheid.
Binnen het Belgische voorzitterschap speelt Vlaanderen een belangrijke rol als voorzitter en organisator van talrijke evenementen. Lees meer over hoe Vlaanderen vormgeeft aan het Europees voorzitterschap op www.vlaanderen.be/eu2024.
Belgium holds the Presidency of the Council of the European Union until June 30. As part of this presidency, LRM is organizing a conference to share its experience in turning a former (mining) site into a new thriving place.
We invite you to get acquainted with LRM, the Limburg Reconversion Society on Friday, April 19 at 09h30 in Terhills, Zetellaan 68 in Maasmechelen.
During this conference, three concrete cases of successful reconversion will be discussed: Corda Campus, be-MINE and Terhills.
09h30: Reception.
10 a.m.: LRM, Tom Vanham, CEO
10h45: 3 cases: Corda – be-MINE and Terhills
11h30: Einstein telescope
12h00: Lunch
13u00: Visit Terhills
14:00: End
Participation is free – we do expect your attendance at registration.
About LRM
LRM is an investment company that develops and stimulates economic growth in Limburg. We provide a solid foundation, allowing companies and projects, which create jobs in Limburg, to grow. Our financial means and economic expertise, together with Limburg’s key assets, create a unique breeding ground.
About Corda Campus
Welcome to Corda Campus, the pioneering tech campus in the heart of the Euregio border region. A place where ideas can grow and thrive. Where people and companies, both large and small, come together. A place where business communities are created: professional, inspirational… with a twist.
About be-MINE
The Beringen mining site is the best-preserved mining site in Europe.
You can fully immerse yourself in the heroic history of the miners and on top of that, be-MINE also offers a wide range of contemporary, adventurous attractions and experiences.
Terhills covers an area of approximately 356 ha in Dilsen-Stokkem and Maasmechelen, on the edge of Belgium’s only National Park. Shaped by its past as an industrial mining and gravel digging site, the environment today is characterized by lush fauna and flora, huge watercourses and unique sights from the ‘terrils’ (now-green spoil tips).
Within the Belgian presidency, Flanders takes on an important role as president and organiser of numerous events. Learn more about how Flanders is shaping the presidency on www.flanders.be/eu2024.